Contact Us

The professional staff includes full and part-time employees at NAPFA. NAPFA also engages outside independent consultants for specialized ongoing support. Please contact the appropriate staff member when you need assistance.

National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
8700 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue

Suite 700N
Chicago, IL  60631

Main Phone: 847-483-5400
Toll Free Phone: 888-FEE-ONLY (888-333-6659)




Kathryn Dattomo, MNA, CAE, CFRE

Ext. 101

Executive Assistant to CEO
Mardi Lee
Ext. 127

Senior Director, Member Services & Experience
Nikki Palluzzi, CAE

Ext. 103

Membership Coordinator
Cindy Ganze

Ext. 128

Director, Professional Development & Education

Kristin Keith, M.Ed., CAE

Ext. 105

Senior Coordinator, Membership and Education
Heidi Tennant

Ext. 107

Conference and Events Coordinator

Ana Daly

Ext. 126

Manager, Marketing and Communications

Emily Harris, MBA, CAE

Ext. 124

Coordinator, Marketing and Communications

Elle Peifer

Ext. 108

NAPFA Foundation Program Coordinator

Nick Casas
Ext. 106

NAPFA Consultants

Exhibit and Sponsorship Opportunities
Ric Haines
(732) 920-4236

Managing Editor - NAPFA Advisor Magazine
Susan Weiner
(617) 969-4509

Public Policy and Advocacy Counsel
Michael Watkins